Project Overview
The Brewery Creek Project, ownded by Victoria Gold is a past producing heap leach gold mining operation from 1996 to 2002, temporarily closed due to low gold prices. The 180 km2 property is located 55 km east of Dawson City, Yukon and is accessible by road from the North Klondike Highway. The Brewery Creek Project has a Socio Economic Accord with the Tr’ondek Hwech’in.
The Brewery Creek Project exhibits characteristics of both epithermal type and intrusive-related gold systems. It is generally considered to be an alkalic intrusion-associated gold deposit, as most of the mineralization is concentrated within or proximal to the monzonites. Gold mineralization consists of fracture-controlled quartz stockwork in both siliciclastic and intrusive rocks along an east-northeast striking, moderately south dipping structural trend known as the Brewery Creek Reserve Trend.
On January 5, 2021, Wheaton acquired a 2.0% net smelter return royalty interest relative to the Brewery Creek mine.
Stream Details
Date of Contract |
21-Jan-5 |
Term |
placeholder |
Royalty Terms |
Life of Mine |
Royalty Parameters |
2.0% NSR |
For more information on the Brewery Creek Project, please visit: (opens in new tab)