
B2 Gold



Primary Metal

Project Overview

Following the acquisition of Sabina Gold & Silver in April 2023, B2Gold acquired Sabina’s 100% owned Back River Gold District located in Nunavut, Canada. The Back River Gold District consists of 5 mineral claims blocks along an 80 km belt. The Goose Project lies within the Back River Gold District, and is located in southwestern Nunavut, Canada, approximately 520 km northeast of Yellowknife.

The Goose property consists of four main deposits namely Goose, Main, Echo, Umwelt and Llama. The property displays structurally controlled gold mineralization, which is largely strata bound, within broad zones of sulphidized iron formation associated with quartz veins, silicification, and shearing.

Open pit mining will be from the Echo, Umwelt, Llama and Goose deposits with process tailings deposited in exhausted pits. Underground development is underway and will commence with ore production from the Umwelt pillar. B2Gold has made the decision to accelerate underground mining development to increase annual gold production over the first 5 years of the mine plan, which entails mining of the complete Umwelt crown pillar.

The process plant is designed to produce gold doré using conventional crushing, grinding, gravity concentration, pre-oxidation, gold leaching by cyanidation, gold adsorption by carbon-in-pulp (CIP), and gold recovery from loaded carbon and gravity concentrate. The nameplate expansion of the process plant from 3,000 t/d to 4,000 t/d is planned for Year 2 of operations. The existing process plant equipment has been selected to allow for expansion with reduced rework.

Construction is underway at the Goose project, and is on schedule for first gold pour in the first quarter of 2025.

Stream Details

Date of Contract 8-Feb-22
Term Life of Mine
Stream 2.78% of the Au production dropping to 1.44% after delivery of 87.1 koz of Au and dropping to 1% after delivery of 134 koz of Au
Upfront Consideration $84M
Per Unit Production Payment 18% of spot until upfront deposit repaid, 22% of spot thereafter

For more information on the Goose Project, please visit: (opens in new tab)