


Au Ag

Primary Metal

Project Overview

The Minto copper-gold-silver mine located in Yukon, Canada, is an open pit and underground mining operation that commenced commercial production in 2007 with concentrates exported via the Port of Skagway, Alaska, to smelters in Asia for treatment and sale.

The Minto deposit is found in the north-northwest trending Carmacks Copper Belt along the eastern margin of the Yukon-Tanana Composite Terrain. The belt is host to several intrusion-related Cu-Au mineralized hydrothermal systems. Hypogene copper sulphide mineralization at Minto is hosted wholly within the Minto pluton, which intrudes near the boundary between the Stikinia and Yukon-Tanana terrains. The primary hypogene sulphide mineralization consists of chalcopyrite, bornite, euhedral chalcocite, and minor pyrite.

In June 2019, Capstone announced the sale of the Minto mine, which was on care and maintenance at the time, to Pembridge Resources PLC ("Pembridge"). Pembridge subsequently restarted operations in the third quarter of 2019. On May 13, 2023, Minto Metals Corp. announced the suspension of operations at the Minto mine.

Stream Details

Date of Contract 20-Nov-08
Term of Stream Life of Mine
Stream Parameters 100% of gold production (until 30,000 ounces of gold produced per annum and 50% thereafter) 100% of silver production
Upfront Consideration $55M
Production Payment 65% of Spot Au and $4.31 Ag
Cost Quartile Fourth